Alzheimer’s Disease Studies

Understanding Clinical Research

Clinical research studies seek to advance and improve treatment options for a variety of conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease. They are designed to answer questions about the safety and effectiveness of potential new drugs and medicines.

Quick Facts

Consider participating in an Alzheimer’s disease research study.

Why Participate?

Taking part in a research study may offer several benefits, including:2
Taking part in a research study may also have risks, including:2

Always make sure to discuss potential benefits and risks of participation with your doctor.

Diversity & Inclusion in Clinical Research

Diverse representation in clinical research is critical—it helps our researchers ensure that we’re making medicines that will be as effective as possible for patients who use them. People respond differently to medicines depending on their age, sex, race, ethnicity, and many other factors.

These goals guide Lilly’s work:

Create a Robust Clinical Research Study Strategy and Reach Diverse Populations

Our teams aim for each study’s participants to match the composition of the U.S. patient population that might use that study’s drug if it’s approved. Across research studies globally, we identify and address barriers that keep underrepresented populations from participating.

Intentionally Select a Diverse Range of Sites and Investigators

We aim to recruit more research study investigators and external advisors who represent women and racial/ethnic minority populations, with the ultimate goal of having our investigators and advisors match the composition of the U.S. population in terms of gender and race/ethnicity.

Increase Diverse Representation through Partnerships and Collaborations

We collaborate with patients, patient advocacy groups, regulatory agencies, healthcare professionals, and community organizations to identify and implement solutions that will result in diverse representation, improve health equity, and generate evidence to support better patient results.


See how you’re staring at this image? When we stare, shout, walk, or remember, it’s the result of signals passing through the 100 billion nerve cells in our brain called neurons.

Electrical charges help these neurons talk to each other. These charges can generate enough electricity to power a low-wattage bulb!1 The combination of these electrical and chemical signals is responsible for the actions mentioned above.